Saturday 24 November 2012

The exam ... help !

Mr Bean go to an exam. At the beginning, he wants to take exam quickly : he drives fast. He has some little accidents. He looks stressed because he verifies his car, he dressed correctly ... When he puts in his seat, and he speaks with his neighbor. He tries to intimidate him with his pens, objects ... He revised and feels confident for the exam.
During the exam, when Mr Bean opens the envelope and sees subject, he is scared ! He doesn't know answers ! For make a success, he tries to look on his neighbor by a lot of means ... He pretends to think when others see him. The cheating doesn't work ! He cries but time passes ... 
Two minuts after the end, the supervisor says that there are two subjects. Mr Bean panics and he rushes to make the second subject, which he knows answers. But, he doesn't have time.

Oh my god !

Before an examination, especially in the oral, I am very stressed. My legs begin trembling, I don't speak because my voice is trembling and deformed, I don't remember of my revisions and I am afraid of questions which are going to be put.
When I see the subject 
- If I know the answers, everything is well, I write and I am satisfied by my work. In general, I make success.
   - If I don't know the answers, I panic, I block and I can't think any more ! As I don't like cheating, I can't do nothing to find the answers.

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